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Equine Therapy

Equine coaching



The horse is a sensitive animal, psychically and emotionally. They flawlessly sense how we feel and present ourselves. The horse communicates through body language and reacts directly to our actions. They mirror our feelings, attitude and behaviour. They see and feel our behaviour earlier than we think we show them.


They respond to non-verbal communication and mirror how we behave, feel and relate to others. The behaviour of a horse is pure, honest and without prejudice. This makes the use of horses an excellent method to apply to difficult issues. The horse is your personal coach in this session!


Horses are herd animals and therefor masters in reading and respond on group dynamics. We use horses a lot in teambuilding sessions, focusing on effective communication and a more harmonious team atmosphere in the workplace. 


What you can expect from a session with the horse is an honest and pure image of yourself, your qualities, challenges and behaviour.


Do you want in an effective way;

  • Set your boundaries

  • Knowing what impression you make on other people

  • Discover your qualities and learn to use them

  • Transforming challenges into positive qualities

  • Discover your role within your environment and be able to use it as effectively as possible

  • Become a strong communicator and use it in your daily life

  • Develop your communication skills and improve teamwork and dynamics within your team / organization.

  • Identify the qualities and areas for improvement within your team and convert these into team productivity and satisfaction


The horse is open for a dialogue and to discover the best version of yourself or your team.


Feel free to contact us if you would like more information about, or have any questions about this unique way of working on your Personal or Professional Development 

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